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Master Planning

The LRPPG Consortium Partners are in the process of working with the Claremont Environmental Design Group (CEDG) to facilitate a master planning process for the Louis Robidoux Parkland and Pecan Grove.  CEDG is working closely with partners to identify a final timeline for this community-led process involving interviews, open meetings, and ongoing opportunities for virtual and in-person feedback, all of which will be compiled and used as the foundation for creation of five and twenty-five year site and program plans.

Two successful community events were held in January of 2023 with excellent attendance! If you missed these meetings, you can still view the below video. Please send us a message with your thoughts on the future of the site for inclusion in our master plan process.

Map of Louis Robidoux Parkland showing areas for restoration, gardens, education, and agriculture. Includes images of community activities.