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An elderly person shows a snake to curious kids seated on grass.


The Louis Robidoux Nature Center opens to the public for education, outreach, and recreational opportunities. Owned and operated by Riverside County Parks and Open Space District.

Children and adults in a room with a nature mural, engaging in crafts or activities.

April 2017

Nature Center closed due to lack of funding.

May contain: people, person, plant, tree, accessories, bag, handbag, clothing, footwear, shoe, pants, hat, outdoors, vegetation, land, nature, and woodland

November 2018

Louis Robidoux Nature Center (LRNC) Consortium applies for and receives permission for five years of management over the entire property.

A structure on fire at night, with trees and a building with a bird mural nearby.

October 2019

In the early hours of Thursday, October 31st, a fire broke out in the Santa Ana River bottom

It ravaged over 300 acres in total, including 90% of the LRNC site.

Two people painting a white fence outdoors under a clear blue sky.

July 2020

Same partners awarded contract for management over the now renamed Louis Robidoux Parkland and Pecan Grove.

Sign for Louis Robidoux Parkland and Pecan Grove with a wolf and butterfly illustration.

Summer 2021

Site clean-up and infrastructure improvements completed including fencing, signage, amphitheater, and removal of vegetation damaged by 46 fire.

Various fruits on display: oranges, green grapefruits, guavas, and a tray of jujubes on a red tablecloth.


Caretaker unit and personnel installed; full sitewide tree evaluation and plan completed; pilot field trip program facilitated; hedgerow and native garden and dry streambed installed.

People conducting environmental activities: water sampling, group discussion, and building a rock barrier outdoors.


Master Planning initiated on-site, community workshop series and first-annual fall festival facilitated, drawing >300 attendees. Medicine and monarch gardens established; nursery established on-site. One FTE staff member dedicated to LRPPG.

Two people in traditional attire perform a dance with drumming under a canopy outside.


$1.25M WCB grant acquired to fund on-site nursery expansion and site improvements; 6 workshops and 2nd fall festival held; extensive infrastructure improvements; site-wide water reestablishment advancement.